【Star Alliance】Tibet Shigatse 147 Billiards Club_Xingpai League Ball Room

【Star Alliance】Tibet Shigatse 147 Billiards Club_Xingpai League Ball Room

Case of Star Ball Room Mention the Tibet Autonomous Region, people’s memory will immediately flash through the pure blue plateau sky, the majestic Himalayas, and the majestic and majestic sacred lake. The Tibet Autonomous Region, the region with the highest altitude in the world, is called the last jade in the universe. Today, the 147 billiard club that we are going to introduce to everyone in detail is located in Shigatse City, Tibet Autonomous Region. It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the highest billiard club in China.

【Star Alliance】Tibet Shigatse 147 Billiards Club_Xingpai League Ball Room

147 Billiards Club was founded in 2013 and is located in Wuzi Hotel, Heilongjiang Road, Sangzhuzi District, Xigaze City. It has a total operating area of more than 1,300 square meters and is equipped with 19 star-branded high-end billiard tables. This club team integrates billiard training, billiard games, and the sale of billiard equipment. It is currently the largest billiard club in Shigatse City. Over the past five years, the 147 Billiards Club has been unremittingly persevering in the core concept of “technical expertise, honesty and trustworthiness”, and has won recognition and praise from many local billiards enthusiasts, and the daily traffic is also very large.

【Star Alliance】Tibet Shigatse 147 Billiards Club_Xingpai League Ball Room

In order to attract more and more people to join the billiards fitness sport, the 147 billiards club holds a snooker handicap every year. During each competition period, billiards masters from Shigatse and surrounding cities are all signing up, and the crowds who come to watch the game are in an endless stream, which greatly activates the local billiard learning atmosphere.

【Star Alliance】Tibet Shigatse 147 Billiards Club_Xingpai League Ball Room

The veteran of the 147 billiards club is always Tsering Dundup. He often sees such popular matches and is very happy, and he is more determined to run the billiards club. She said that he has trusted Xingpai for many years. In the future, he will hold a large number of billiards tournaments together with Xingpai and take part in and lead the work that is beneficial to the promotion and popularization of billiards fitness. He hopes that based on his own diligence, more and more people will love billiards as a fitness sport in the big city of Shigatse. Tsering Tundup expects that in the future, there will also be Tibetan snooker players who will get rid of the Tibet Autonomous Region and participate in various international competitions and win honors.

Signature: Xingpai Billiards

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