Lincheng welcomes the grand event China·Guizhou·Guiyang 2019 CBSA “Xingpai” Cup Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix kicked off

On December 7th, China·Guizhou·Guiyang 2019 CBSA “Star” Cup Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix opened at the Citizens Fitness Center of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. The competition was hosted by the Chinese Billiards Association and the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau, and organized by the Guiyang Municipal Sports Bureau, the Guizhou Provincial Social Sports Management Center, and Jiangxi Xingpai Sports Development Co., Ltd.. At the same time, it was awarded to the Guiyang City Citizens Fitness Center, Guiyang Radio and Television Station, and Guizhou Province Full support from the Billiards Association and Guizhou Huaguang Zhixing Sports Culture Co., Ltd. The event started on December 4 and ended on the 10th. It lasted for 7 days. The total prize money of the event was RMB 385,000.


Xiao Jun, Deputy Director of Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau, Tang Xu, Deputy Secretary-General of China Billiards Association, Jing Qiwei, Director of Guizhou Social Sports Management Center, Yang Hai, Deputy Director of Guiyang Sports Bureau, Wang Feng, Deputy General Manager of Guiyang Radio and TV Station, Guiyang citizen Xiao Hong, director of the fitness center, Chen Lei, CEO of Beijing Xingpai Weiye Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., and other related leaders, as well as national and local media and guests attended the opening ceremony.


Yang Hai, deputy director of the Guiyang Sports Bureau, pointed out at the opening ceremony that Guiyang is the capital of Guizhou Province, located in the rich land of Guizhou, in the geometric center of western China, and is an important node city on the “Belt and Road” and the new international land-sea trade channel. For a long time, with the great attention of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the development of the sports industry in Guiyang has achieved fruitful results. In recent years, it has successfully completed a number of national and even global competitions and has rich experience in running competitions. The settlement of this event in Guiyang will bring a rare opportunity for the development of Guiyang billiards. It is hoped that through this event, more professional billiards players and billiard fans will come to Guiyang, and jointly contribute to the development of Guiyang’s sports industry. Establish a good foundation for the establishment of a national sports and fitness model city.


Tang Xu, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Billiards Association, stated at the opening ceremony that the Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix is a national-level Chinese billiards event approved and hosted by the Chinese Billiards Association. The development of sports has played a huge role in promoting the development of Chinese billiards and the comprehensive implementation of the national strategy of national fitness. It is also a time to implement the spirit of the State Council’s “Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Sports Industry and Promoting Sports Consumption” An attempt with practical significance plays a role as a link between promoting the development of billiards and helping the entire nation’s fitness. The Chinese Grand Prix of Chinese Billiards came to Guizhou for the second year in a row. Its successful holding can promote the development of billiards in Guizhou and the entire western region and even the whole country, and drive billiards in the western region to a higher level.



At the opening ceremony, player representative Chu Bingjie and referee representative Sun Zhiyong took the oath on behalf of the participating athletes and referees of the competition, expressing that they will abide by the professional ethics of sports and complete each game in a fair and impartial manner.



Finally, Xiao Jun, deputy director of the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau, announced the opening of the Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix. At the same time, Tang Xu, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Billiards Association, Jing Qiwei, director of the Guizhou Social Sports Management Center, and Yang Hai, deputy director of the Guiyang Sports Bureau , Wang Feng, deputy general manager of Guiyang Radio and Television, and Chen Lei, CEO of Beijing Xingpai Weiye Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., jointly started the competition.


Group photo after the kick-off ceremony of the 2019 CBSA “Xingpai” Cup Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix, Guizhou, Guiyang, China

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