Xingpai Trump went to a fan meeting, and the popularity of the ball room soared to promote operation

On March 22, after the star signed player and the world’s number one super-popular idol, Trump arrived in Beijing, despite the fatigue of the journey, under the arrangement of the star, he went to two fan meetings in a row. The arrival of the super-popular idol has made the owners and managers of the two ball rooms of Shengshi Wonderful and Heihu overjoyed: Seeing the popularity and reputation of the ball room, it can be imagined that the future operation of the ball room will be great. There are gains.

Trumpu, a genius teenager, maintained a consistent cheerful style in the fan meeting, and almost met all fans’ signature photo needs. He also enthusiastically took a photo with an old fan in his 80s, which moved the fans on the spot. In the face of many fans, Trump was in a good mood that afternoon. He said half-jokingly: “The fans must be incomplete, and more will be better. It’s so happy to see so many people every time.” Trum Pu also emphasized that Xingpai will arrange such a meeting for himself every time, and I really enjoy this feeling.

In the evening, Trump came to the Black Lake Club in Shunyi, where he not only interacted with the fans, but also witnessed the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between Beijing Xingwei Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. and Beijing Black Lake Sports Club Co., Ltd. Mr. Gan Liantong, the chairman of Beijing Xingwei Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., and Wang Bin, the sales director of Xingpai, also came to the signing site to sign the contract.

arranged for the signed players to visit the ball room to participate in the fan meeting, in order to help the ball room gather popularity and drive business. This is the old tradition of Xingpai, which is very popular among many Xingpai users. From September to November last year, Xingpai organized a large-scale superstar storm event, Trump, Ding Junhui, Mark Williams, Pan Xiaoting, Alison Fisher, Fu Xiaofang, Liu Shasha, Jin Jiaying, Li Hewen Many famous billiards stars have come to various star ball rooms to participate in activities, which has benefited many ball rooms.

Xingpai Sales Director Wang Bin said: “The star effect of stars is very helpful to the management of the ball room. Xingpai recognized this many years ago. Therefore, when signing with star players, we always try to get them as much as possible. Attend more activities in the ball room, this is Xingpai’s most sincere return to old and new friends.”

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