Leader of the Small Ball Center of the General Administration of Sports: Xingpai Chinese billiards are of great significance

On August 21, Beijing time, the Shenyang Lantian Hotel held a welcome reception in the 2012 “Star Cup” National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament, Shenyang Standing Competition. At the reception, Wang Tao, Minister of the Second Department of the Small Ball Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, gave a wonderful speech.


Leaders and guests: Good evening, everyone!

I am very happy to meet you at the start of the 2012 CBSA “Star Cup” National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament in Liaoning. Tonight’s Shenyang is shining brightly, and the national Chinese billiards masters gather together to participate in the grand event of the national Chinese billiards ranking competition, which is of great significance.

The National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament is an independent brand event created by the China Billiards Association (CBSA), which will greatly promote the development of Chinese billiards. Because Chinese billiards is an independently innovative billiard sport in China, with more than 60 million fans across the country, it can be said that Chinese billiards is the foundation of Chinese billiards. The purpose of holding the National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament is to consolidate the foundation of Chinese billiards. , Improve the status and level of Chinese billiards, create a good billiard atmosphere throughout the country, and create conditions for Chinese billiards to go global.

This competition is the second stop of the 2012 CBSA National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament. The first stop was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province in May this year. It was a huge success: from the qualifying round to the main round, the number of participants was very large. This is our original intention of “allowing the majority of people who love billiards to participate”; more importantly, through the competition, more people can learn about Chinese billiards and like Chinese billiards, and expand the mass base of Chinese billiards. The Liaoning sub-station of this station also brought us great surprises: more enthusiastic registration for the qualifying competition, wider participants, and more and more new faces entering the competition, which shows that our Chinese billiards are full of talents and stamina. Exactly, it also shows that the brand influence of the national ranking competition is getting bigger and bigger.

I believe that the 2012 CBSA Star Cup National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament in Liaoning will be exciting. While bringing a wonderful experience to billiards fans across the country, it will promote the faster development of national billiards and promote better development of national fitness.

I wish the contestants great results! I wish the 2012 CBSA National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament Liaoning Sub-station a complete success!

thank you all.

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