Yue Hejun, General Manager of Handan Xingpai Club: To build the first chain brand in Handan billiards industry

“Many people of generosity and tragedy in Yanzhao”, Yue Hejun, the first impression he gives is the “generosity” and atmosphere of the people of Handan. He started as a restaurant business and has always had a deep interest in billiards, so after accumulating certain conditions, he brewed and opened his first ball room, Handan Star Billiards Club, and realized a dream of his own. . (The following “Q” stands for question)

Q: Hello, Manager Yue! I heard that you like billiards very much?

岳: Yeah, I really like it since junior high school. I like to poke two shots when I have nothing to do. Now I have opened my own ball room, which feels very different.

Q: My dream has come true.

Yue: Yes.

Q: For the first time in the tee room, why did you choose the star pool table?

Yue: Because Xingpai billiard tables are recognized as a world brand and have a good reputation in the industry, both in terms of credibility and quality, they are guaranteed. Moreover, Xingpai has held many big competitions, which have stood the test.

Q: Now it is the initial realization of the dream. Regarding the development of the ball room, are there any plans and goals?

Yue: Yes, based on the strong brand effect of Xingpai billiard tables, in the next few years, more than ten Xingpai billiard clubs will be opened in Handan to build the first chain brand in Handan billiards industry. This is also mine. The ultimate dream.

Q: Thank you often for accepting our interview. Here we wish you good health and success in your career. If you have any questions about running a billiard club, you can pay attention to our Xingpai “New Concept Ball Room Innovation Management Support Plan”, which will help you.

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