[Wonderful review] Single limited time race Uncle Ma races against time

In the early morning of February 24th, Beijing time, the Snooker single limited time match ended. Holt, who is nearly 42 years old, won the rankings for the first time. Zhou Yuelong, Yan Bingtao and Lu Haotian advanced to the semi-finals together, creating the history of the Chinese Army.

In addition to them, a series of “operations” by the three-time world champion Mark Williams also deeply influenced the fans. Facing Katie in the second round, Williams directly exploded the red ball when he fought for the ball.

With only 100 seconds left until the end of the game, Williams is 0 to 47 behind. At this time, Katie made an offensive error, leaving Williams with a good ball. A big game of chasing points in a race against time kicks off. What is the result? The following video will reveal the answer for you.

Signature: Xingpai Billiards

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