Live: 2019 CBSA “Xingpai” Cup Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix

From December 4th to 10th, 2019, the CBSA “Xingpai” Cup Chinese Billiards China Grand Prix was held in the event hall on the 4th floor of the Guiyang City Citizen Fitness Center, which has the beauty of “Lincheng”. The Chinese Grand Prix is a Chinese-style billiards event co-sponsored by the Chinese Billiards Association and the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau. It is also the second consecutive year that Guizhou Province has hosted the National Chinese-style Billiards Ranking Tournament. According to the schedule, December 4th to 6th will be the out-of-conference stage, and the 7th to 10th will be the in-conference stage. The total prize money of this site is 385,000 yuan, including 80,000 yuan for the men’s championship and 40,000 yuan for the women’s championship.

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