The development of Chinese billiards is about to enter a new stage_Billiards_Billiards

Xingpai Billiards Table The 2019 Snooker World Open is currently in full swing in Yushan, Jiangxi. Ding Junhui, O’Sullivan, Selby and other famous players are all participating. See the newly built Yushan Sports Center, which focuses on billiards events, and

Wang Tao, chairman of the Chinese Billiards Association, has been deeply impressed by the changes in Yushan in recent years. She said that the development of Yushan billiards has caught up with the golden age of China’s billiard industry in the past 10 years, and the changes in Yushan are actually also nearly 10 years of Chinese billiards.

The epitome of years of development.

Wang Tao said: “Seeing the billiards hall in Yushan reminds me that it was in school when Yushan held the competition five years ago. The change of the venue for the competition is the most intuitive change. From 2009 to the present, the Chinese National Taiwan Association

After three five-year plans, whether in the construction of the competition system, the construction of the talent training system, or the popularization of billiards in national fitness, it can be said that it is a blueprint that has been drawn to the end. ”

The Snooker World Open, as one of the six national Snooker International Class A events, has been held for three times, and this year is the fourth. With the strong support of Yushan County Government, local enterprises and Yushan people, billiards has become Yushan’s

A brand truly realizes “the big game goes to a small city, and the small city does big things”. In addition, the common people also participated in this competition. The floats and square dances added a variety of elements to the competition and made the competition more local.

Before 2008, the only top snooker events in China were the Shanghai Masters and the China Open. Since 2009, with the efforts of the Taiwan Association of China, 4 Snooker International Class A stations in Wuxi, Guangzhou, Daqing and Yushan

The event came into being, and the number of international A-category events increased to 6 stations. Wang Tao said that the influence of snooker events in recent years is believed to be obvious to all. Snooker is a part of the elite billiards culture.

Starting from the city, then moving from the big city, through the holding of top-level events, the influence of the snooker project will be exerted to drive the development of China’s billiard industry and billiard culture.

According to the 3 items of billiards

The characteristics of the purpose clarify the focus of the development of snooker, Chinese billiards and American billiards. If the snooker game takes the elite cultural route, then American billiards is the characteristic cultural route. The Chinese Billiards Association regards American billiards

Combined with the tourism resources of various hosting locations, there are now too many American billiards competitions all over the country, which truly gives American billiards a “fashion sense”. Before 2008, American billiards was still half blank in the country.

In 2009, the Taiwan Association of China first started the National Ranking Tournament, which has been held for 10 years this year. In the same year, the first international American billiards game introduced by the Taiwan Association of China-World 9-Ball China Open was played in Shanghai.

At the same time, it also introduced the Women’s World 9-Ball Championship, which has gone through 10 years of development. “American billiards has undergone two decades of development in both domestic and international competitions and is now very mature.” Wang Tao said.

Chinese billiards follow the development route of national fitness. Through the introduction of top competitions and national fitness promotion, players enter schools and communities to spread billiards culture. The common people have never known billiards before to now that billiards has become a part of life.

section. Taking the first “Hometown of Chinese Billiards” awarded by the Taiwan Association of China to Shanghai Pudong Tangzhen, under the influence of all levels of billiard competitions, it has been realized that “every village has a table, every month there is a game, and every year there is wonderful.” The goal.

In addition to the competition, the Taiwan Association of China has also been building a talent training system for the past 10 years. Before 2008, billiards coaches were also known as “Ge Zhang, Ge Li, Uncle Wang, Master Chen…” In 2009, the China National Taiwan Association began to establish a training system, starting with national referees, using their achievements and influence Efforts to train coaches and referees from the society in training bases across the country.

After 10 years of development, the brand influence of major Chinese billiards events has extended to the export of Chinese billiard cultural products. Star tables have spread throughout the world and China Eagle Eye has appeared in international competitions. Wang Tao said: “Regardless of the competition

System, national fitness, or the spread of billiards culture, the development of Chinese billiards has entered a new stage, I believe that the future of Chinese billiards will get better and better. “

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