Registration for the first National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament is hot, with over 2000 people registering for the qualifying competition in three days

The Henan branch of the first National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament will start in mid-May. Registration for the eight major national qualifying areas (Liaoning, Shaanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Anhui, Henan) has been fully launched. The most authoritative organizer, The officially recognized points rankings and high bonuses have deeply attracted fans. Many billiard fans have enthusiastically signed up. According to statistics, during the three-day holiday of Qingming Festival, more than 2,000 fans have signed up in various qualifying areas. And as the news gradually spread, the fans’ enthusiasm for registration continued unabated, and the registration calls continued throughout the day, and the on-site applicants were also in an endless stream.

Chinese billiards originated in the late 1980s. A brand-new billiard table was produced by Xingpai companies based on the snooker table and the size of the open-lun table. At the same time, it was combined according to the actual situation of Chinese billiards fans. The rules of snooker and nine-ball launched a brand-new project that is different from other billiards. It is one of the few domestically innovative international sports for Chinese people. The original name was American pocket pocket, and later it was called “pool “, “Chinese 8-ball”, “American 16-color”, in 2009, entrusted by the National Standardization Committee, after the promulgation of the “Billiard Table Standard” drafted by Xingpai, the China National Taiwan Association officially named it “Chinese Billiards”. According to the regulations of the Chinese Billiards Association, from now on, all the titles called “Chinese 8-ball”, “Sixteen Colors”, “American Pocket”, “Pool”, etc. will be collectively referred to as “Chinese Billiards”. Once officially launched to the world under this name.

The National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament is sponsored by the China Billiards Association, undertaken by Beijing Xingwei Sports Goods Co., Ltd., co-organized by various local billiard associations, and promoted and operated by Beijing Jingbo Guangsheng International Culture Communication Co., Ltd.; there are at least 32 qualifying tournaments throughout the year, 4 In the sub-station competition, there is one final; the total prize money of the qualifying competition exceeds 480,000 yuan, and the prize money of the sub-station and finals is nearly 1.2 million yuan.

The first National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament Qualifying Tournament received strong support from billiard associations across the country. All local Taiwan Associations have expressed that this is an excellent opportunity to promote Chinese billiards. It is better to popularize and promote local billiards.

Signature: Star Billiards

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