The national billiard industry donated more than 4 million yuan to fight the epidemic
The national billiards community has donated more than 4 million yuan to fight the epidemic In order to win the battle against the new crown pneumonia…
Wuhan epidemic care activity-the epidemic is ruthless, there is love in the world
Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus infection, the whole country has united as one to fight the “epidemic” and overcome difficulties together. Chinese billiard players also provided support in various ways to fight the epidemic, demonstrating their strong sense of social responsibility.
The current epidemic situation Chinese billiards all take action!
Faced with pneumonia caused by the sudden new type of coronavirus infection, Chinese people in our motherland and all over the world have united to resist the epidemic.
The epidemic is ruthless, there is love in the world-Xingpai launches club care activities
The pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus has always touched the hearts of every Chinese since its occurrence. The Party Central Committee and the State Council quickly established a working group to fight the epidemic to direct the nationwide fight against the epidemic.
[Star Charity Sale] Raising funds to fight the epidemic, helping to eliminate fear
At present, the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic still affects the hearts of the people across the country. Medical care in various places has been operating for a long time, and rescue materials are extremely scarce.
为抗击疫情筹款 为消除恐惧出力
目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情仍然牵动着全国人民的心,各地的医疗已经长期负荷运转,抢救物资极度缺乏,医护人员在缺乏各种防护用品的危险情况下仍然奋战在一线。 抗击疫情 我们在一起 在众多医院发出紧急求援后,许多企业纷纷加入支援,扛起应有的社会责任,以不同形式,第一时间全力支持抗击新型冠状病毒的战役!星牌也…
疫情无情行业有爱 中国台球界捐赠近400万元
中国台球协会官网讯 2月18日,中国台球协会向武汉市慈善总会捐款人民币10万元,用于疫情防控,并向全国数千万台球人发出“为坚决打赢疫情防控战奉献力量”的倡议书,号召各会员单位、有关企业及个人传承台球人勇于奉献的精神,积极践行社会责任,为支援疫情防控贡献力量。危难时刻挺身而出,是中国台球界人士应有的社…
各会员单位、有关企业、个人: 当前抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情进入关键时期。义无反顾的医疗战线逆行者、人民解放军,以崇高的救死扶伤、不怕牺牲,攻坚克难的精神坚守前线守卫着人民的健康,社会各界都在以最大的决心为打赢疫情防控战而努力奋战。 湖北和武汉是疫情防控的重中之重,是打赢疫情防控阻击战的决胜之地。危难…