CBSA star cup Chinese billiards Tianjin qualification team of super luxury

The 2012 CBSA star card Cup National Chinese billiards ranking competition in Hangzhou will compete in Tianjin Star card billiards club from October 13 to 14. As the first qualification competition in Hangzhou, the competition has attracted more than 100 experts, including Ma Zhiyu, Zheng Yubo, Shi Hanqing, Li Yaoqi, Zheng Peng and Wang Xiaoqian, The qualification of this station is a super luxury lineup full of stars.

Sponsored by China billiards association and undertaken by Beijing Xingwei sporting goods Co., Ltd., CBSA star Cup National Chinese billiards ranking competition is the only officially recognized regular ranking competition at present. Hangzhou is the third leg of this season. The previous two stops were Zhengzhou and Shenyang. The first qualification match of Hangzhou branch was held in Tianjin swok st Rosa star billiards club, which attracted many experts to gather here. In the next two days, they will launch a strong impact on the 12 promotion places.

According to the schedule, the 123 contestants who have signed up for the competition will be divided into 16 groups according to a group of 8 (including 5 round spaces). Each group will compete for 5. The winners and losers of each group will form the top 32 list. After that, the competition system will be single loser elimination until the champion and runner up.

In the field, the reporter saw the figure of three beauties, it is learned that they are to participate in the qualification competition, but to the scene, they know that the qualification competition is only for men. “The three of us all like to play. After we saw the news of Tianjin qualification match on the Internet, we came here from Beijing, but we didn’t look carefully. We didn’t know that the qualification match was divided into two groups: men and women.” One of the beauties told the reporter. Although very helpless, they said they would still pay attention to the competition and prepare to participate in the women’s qualification competition in Hangzhou on November 7.

The Tianjin qualification competition, which brings together many top players, will officially start tomorrow. Although the gathering of experts has increased the difficulty of promotion, it is undoubtedly a very enjoyable thing for the majority of billiards fans to see many experts duel

Signature: Star billiards

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