Li Hewen defends the championship in the national ranking competition, humorously answering the interview

On August 25, 2012, the men’s final of the CBSA “Star Cup” National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament came to an end. After Zhengzhou Station aspired to win, star contract player Li Hewen won the championship again.

After finishing the semi-finals earlier, Liu Chuang said in an interview, “The chance of winning the final with Li Hewen is about 37. Li Hewen is my idol.” After the finals, the situation was even more severe than Liu Chuang had foreseen. Li Hewen was jailed. Firmly grasping the rhythm of the game, the finals became the stage for him to perform alone, and Liu Chuang was completely reduced to spectators. In the 19 games played, Liu Chuang only scored 6 points. Li Hewen’s strength deeply affected the audience watching the game. Zheng Yubo praised “Li Hewen is an idol for all of us.”

After the game, Liu Chuang said in an interview with reporters, “As expected, my idol’s performance was too perfect. In this game, I didn’t rush the ball well. Later, when I found the feeling, it was too late. The score gap was too big. ”

Summarizing this final, Li Hewen succinctly “played well.” Compared with the semi-finals, Li Hewen felt that he played better in the final. In the first half of the game, Li Hewen made a dream start of 11-2, but Liu Chuang won 4 games in a row in the middle of the game, which gave Li Hewen a lot of pressure. “The first half of the game was too perfect. Seeing that I got the match point, I was a little relaxed and mentally too. Relaxed. After being chased by Liu Chuang for 4 consecutive rounds, I really felt pressured.”

As a seeded player, Li Hewen has defeated 6 players from the beginning of the race. Summarizing his performance in this station, Li Hewen thinks it is pretty good. When the reporter asked if there was an impressive game, or if an opponent put a lot of pressure on him, Li Hewen thought for a while and said, “I didn’t have any pressure before the game. The one who felt the most pressure during the game should be It was the quarter-final match against Liu Yong. I didn’t play well in that match.”

During the interview, Li Hewen always behaved very excited, always smiling, and answering questions became funny and humorous. When the reporter asked how to celebrate the defending champion, Li Hewen smiled and replied: “Drink.”

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