Star player Ding Junhui wants to defend his title, vows to return to world number one


The 2015 World Snooker China Open officially kicked off today. Before the game, the people who received the most attention were undoubtedly “Rocket” O’Sullivan and our star player Ding Junhui. However, due to the unexpected retirement of “Mr. Fire”, star player Ding Junhui is the most concerned person in the Chinese Open.

Ding Junhui defeated “Melbourne Machine” Robertson 10-5 in the 2014 World Snooker China Open. This game will be his defending game. He will definitely work hard and be crowned successfully.


Although Ding Junhui, who has traveled all six times this year, has fallen into a hard-to-find circle of victory, Ding Junhui will surely regain his reputation this time in the China Open. The right time and place are the best conditions for Ding Junhui to defend his title.


Ding Junhui is the defending champion and top seed of the China Championship. His main opponents in the first half are Robertson, Trump, Higgins and Williams. Ding Junhui faced Campbell in the first round, and in the second round he was likely to beat Mark Davis. In the third round, he made an appointment with left-hand Mark Williams, and faced Trump or Higgins in the quarter-finals. If you can qualify for the semi-finals, the opponent is likely to be Melbourne Machine Robertson. As O’Sullivan withdrew from the China Open for three consecutive years, Ding Junhui is missing one of his most feared opponents.

We all believe that star player Ding Junhui will break the curse of a round trip under such favorable conditions and conditions, successfully defending the 2015 World Snooker China Open champion, and adding luster to the country.

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