Thanks to Xingpai for creating the best Chinese billiards platform Chen Qiang: Do your best

On May 26, 2012, the first “Xingpai Cup” Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament Henan Station continued in Zhengzhou Gaogu Billiards Club. In the match of the day, Chen Qiang, a player from Yingkou, Liaoning, played well and eliminated his strong opponent Zhang Jin 7 to 3 and advanced to the semi-finals smoothly. The opponent he will face is the famous Li Hewen. Facing the reporter’s interview, Chen Qiang said that his opponents are very strong and well-known. No matter who the opponent is, he will do his best.

The Northeast is the area with the strongest mass base of Chinese billiards and the highest level of competition. It also has the most Chinese billiards masters. Chen Qiang from Yingkou, Liaoning, is one of them. Chen Qiang is 29 years old this year. He has won the 2010 “Poison Lai Li Cup” Shanxi Taiyuan Station champion, Zhongnanhai Cup 3rd Liaoning Province Billiards Points Ranking Tournament Shenyang R8 Final Tournament, etc., and other competitions have also obtained good results. In the previous Liaoning Dalian Qualifying Tournament, Chen Qiang played mediocre, but in this Henan Station race, Chen Qiang passed all the way, defeated Zhou Quan, Qiao Fengwei and other good players, and successfully entered the semi-finals. However, when interviewed by reporters, Chen Qiang was very humble, saying that his opponents were also very strong, and each game was not easy. He just played better and had better luck.

When talking about this “Xingpai Cup” National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament, Chen Qiang expressed his gratitude to Xingpai for his dedication to Chinese billiards for many years, and especially thanked Xingpai for hosting the first Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament. Give them such a good stage for these players. Regarding the current domestic Chinese billiards competitions are not many and the grades are not enough, Chen Qiang said that as a player, he can only do his best to play every game, and he regrets that there is no national high-level regular competition. Of course, now that Xingpai has hosted the National Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament, this situation has been greatly changed. Chinese billiards, the most profoundly mass-based billiard project, finally has a truly high-profile ranking tournament. Said it was a great blessing. In the future, he will have more opportunities to participate in competitions, improve himself, actively interact with Xingpai, and work hand in hand with other billiard masters to promote the healthy and orderly development of Chinese billiards.

When the reporter asked about the surrounding environment and ball room facilities, Chen Qiang highly praised all this. “The audience in Zhengzhou is very friendly, applaud and support me when my performance is good, and encourage me when my performance is not good.” Regarding the ball room equipment issue, this competition uses star standard game consoles. Chen Qiang also said that he feels very good. Since he used most of the tables of other brands in the past, he did not have much contact with Xingpai tables. Through the contact in this competition, Chen Qiang felt very comfortable with the tables. He played the ball handily, and said with a smile, if tomorrow’s game is played. If you can play on the table of the star brand “Long Xing Tianxia”, you must have a good taste of this game table specially developed for Chinese billiards.

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