The star brand Li Hewen, Liu Shasha and Nantong pass, the super popularity detonates Harpu

On April 27th, Beijing time, Jiangsu Nantong star signed Li Hewen, and Liu Shasha arrived in the beautiful riverside town of Nantong, Jiangsu on April 27, and held a hot fan meeting at the Harp Billiards Club located in the Sports Convention and Exhibition Center. Speaking of Harp, Beijing’s billiard enthusiasts are not unfamiliar. Its founders are the influential figures in the Beijing billiards circle. Mr. Sun Xiaopei and Ms. Liu Nan, the former founders of the Gaogu billiard chain club, are under their leadership. , Has become one of the well-known billiards chain brands in Beijing and even the whole country. As a Nantong native, Sun Xiaopei returned to his hometown to start a business this time. It was a painstaking effort. After a year of preparatory preparation and decoration, he now has the leading star-branded Happ Billiards Club in Nantong.

In order to cooperate with this event, Xingpai Company also specially deployed a “blue and white porcelain” table from Beijing. This table is used for the finals of the Chinese-style billiards national ranking competition, and is also a collection-worthy table in the current billiards market. The “Blue and White Porcelain” table inherits Xingpai’s consistent exquisite workmanship and design with Chinese characteristics, and represents Xingpai’s determination and development direction to promote Chinese billiards to the world.

The event started in a lively atmosphere. From the entry of stars, to live band and singer performances, to billiards baby dances and bartenders’ wonderful performances, the atmosphere of the entire event is always at the highest point, but the most anticipated by fans are the wonderful performances of the two world champions. , There are dozens of fans participating in the star challenge, and they can get close to their idols and even compete together. As billiard fans, they are undoubtedly the luckiest on the scene. But this is far from enough. Mr. Sun has also prepared prizes worth tens of thousands of yuan for the challengers. Two local masters, Cheng Xi and Zhang Miao, have won 15,000 yuan worth of Apple laptops and iPads. One.

Xingpai special host Xuhang (Bebe) and Mr. Sun of the club jointly acted as the live commentator for this event. They said it was a commentary, but the two were more like “singing” in a two-person turn. They sang and played in harmony, and they cooperated very well. The humorous words and tacit cooperation of the two hosts undoubtedly added a bit of active atmosphere to this event.

The activity lasted from 3 pm to 8 pm. With the end of the challenge of the last player, the challenge and the star meeting also came to an end. At this time, although Li Hewen and Liu Shasha were tired, they were patient and responsive. A group photo of fans. So far, the first leg of Xingpai’s trip to Jiangsu has also come to a successful conclusion. I believe that the enthusiasm of Nantong fans is like the city’s beautiful scenery and delicious seafood, which will leave a deep impression on every billiard player here.

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