British Championships Yan Bingtao beats Wollaston 6-1, breaks into the top 32 generals and wars wizards

In the second round of the 2017 Snooker British Championships, China’s post-00 player Yan Bingtao advanced to the top 32 with a shot of 134 points and 6-1 Rick Ben Wollaston.


This season, the 17-year-old Yan Bingtao performed extraordinary. First, he won two of the seven-five-three best in a row at the Daqing National Championships-O’Sullivan and Higgins entered the top four, and then reached the final at the Northern Ireland Open. Although it was eventually reversed by Williams, it broke the record of the youngest player in the final of the Snooker Major Ranking Tournament. In the first round of this year’s British Championships, Yan Bingtao continued his previous good form, beating Zhang Yong 6-1, making a good start for his journey to the British Championships.

In the match against Wollaston, Yan Bingtao was full of aura. As soon as he came up, he blocked his opponent 111-0 and 134-0 in two consecutive games. In the third game, Wollaston performed well, but was still won by Yan Bingtao 70-53. Later, Yan Bingtao made another victory 67-13, the score came to 4-0. After the break, Wollaston began to counterattack, scoring 82 points in a single shot to regain a round. After that, Yan Bingtao did not let the situation worsen, winning two consecutive games 67-36 and 72-49, and finally beat Wollaston 6-1 to enter the top 32.

Next, Yan Bingtao will fight the wizard Higgins. In the top 8 of the Daqing National Championships, Yan Bingtao beat Higgins 6-2, embarrassing Higgins. What was the result of this event? let us wait and see.

It is reported that a total of 6 Chinese players were shortlisted for the third round of the British Championships, namely Fu Jiajun, Liang Wenbo, Yan Bingtao, Xiao Guodong, Li Xing and Lu Haotian. Fu Jiajun and Liang Wenbo have both reached the finals of the British Championships, and Yan Bingtao and the other four will hit a new high in the British Championships together. I hope they will continue to work hard and go further and further.

Signature: Star Billiards

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