Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha visited the Xinlong Star Club to encourage young people not to abandon school

At 9:58 am on April 18, 2012, Beijing time, the Xinlong Star Billiard Club held a grand opening ceremony in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Star contract players, world champion sisters Hua Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha were invited as special guests to help out.

Wang Xinen, executive vice chairman of Liaoning Billiards Association; Wang Tijian, secretary general of Liaoning Billiards Association; Yang Dongsheng, deputy secretary of Liaoning Billiards Association; Sun Hui, deputy director of Huludao Sports Bureau; Li Chunxiang, secretary of Huludao Sports Federation; Beijing Xingwei Sports Goods Guan Peng, assistant general manager of the company, Zhou Xinmiao, general manager of Northeast region, Du Jingxin, regional manager of Liaoning; Cong Nan, general manager of Xinlong Snooker Chain Development Organization of Huludao City, and other leaders visited the Xinlong Star Snooker Club to help the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, Xinlong General Manager Cong Nan and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau unanimously gave congratulatory speeches. Leading guests Sun Hui, Wang Xinen, Wang Tijian, Cong Nan, Zhou Xinmiao, Fu Xiaofang, and Liu Shasha performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony. In addition, the Xinlong Star Billiard Club was awarded the “Member Unit of Liaoning Billiards Association”, “Liaoning Youth Billiards Training Base”, “Liaoning Billiards Association Huludao Designated Competition Venue”, and “Excellent Distributor” at the opening ceremony. “, “Beijing Xingwei Sporting Goods Company’s Only Distributor of Clubs” five honorary medals.

Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha, who attended the opening ceremony today, were first surprised in their outfits. Compared with the sporty and comfortable casual wear when they arrived in Huludao yesterday, they look more mature today, braving the wind to complete today’s opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, Liu Shasha returned to the ball room and rubbed her hands in the cold. Speaking of maturity, the two sisters are more mature than their previous selves in terms of dressing and playing skills. Their advice to the young people in the Xinlong Youth Snooker Training Base is that although playing is very good, you must not abandon the opportunity to learn knowledge. Liu Shasha said that she still had some regrets for giving up her studies early to practice, but she did not regret it.

After the kick-off ceremony, Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha started an interactive session with the fans. The 10-year-old “Daughter of the Xinlong Boss” interacted with Fu Xiaofang from Lexuan. After kicking off, Fu Xiaofang scored the last eight goals with one shot, and Fu Xiaofang gave the girl the last goal. An opportunity to transform the interaction into teaching to guide the little girl’s ball thinking on the spot. According to Lexuan’s mother, children have started to touch billiards at the age of four. They learn very well by themselves. They are among the best in school. Mothers are still in conflict as to whether they want to train their children to enter the career path. On the one hand, I don’t want to delay my children’s learning enthusiasm. On the other hand, I also hope to see children pursue their hobbies. At present, the child is still too young. As Liu Shasha said, it is more important to let the child learn temporarily.

Another person who competed with Fu Xiaofang was the die-hard fan Yang Jun. He played against Fu Xiaofang in the Shenyang Star Card event in 2011, and now he played with Fu Xiaofang for the second time said he is still very excited and nervous. The first time he lost to Fu Xiaofang, Yang Jun’s victory this time was considered to have fulfilled his dream, but he said that this victory Fu Xiaofang was to let himself, not how strong he is, after all, the world champion is the world champion. He is just a pool fan who loves billiards. He said that next time Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha have an event, he will definitely continue to join in!

Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha came to Huludao this time, but coach Zhang Shuchun failed to follow because of other things. The two girls are very good at experiencing life and decompress themselves. They went to Happy Valley to decompress before, April 14 On Sunday, Liu Shasha also took Fu Xiaofang to the Bird’s Nest to watch Leehom Wang’s concert. The two of them enjoyed it and never got tired of it. The eye contact between the two during the interview also showed the tacit understanding of the sisters.

After the opening ceremony of the Xinlong Star Billiard Club today, the two busy schedulers will take the train back to Beijing at 17:00 in the afternoon. At this point, the opening ceremony of Xinlong Billiard Club was successfully concluded with the departure of Fu Xiaofang and Liu Shasha.

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