Chen Siming wins American Women’s Masters, defeats men’s star in gender war

Xingpai pool table. Early this morning, Beijing time, the 2019 WPBA American Women’s Masters ended in Michigan, USA. National team player Chen Siming defeated British star Kelly Fisher 9-2 in the final and won the championship prize of $10,000.

The game is a double-loss match, with 17 games and 9 wins taking turns rushing the ball. Nearly 100 top female golfers from all over the world signed up to participate. Among them are the national team player Chen Siming, British star Fisher, “Little Witch” Jin Jiaying, “Shadow Killer” Wei Ziqian, “Austrian Cheetah” Oschun and other masters.

Chen Siming won six consecutive rounds and entered the winning finals, which opened with a 9-0 sweep, and the subsequent opponents had less than 3 wins, and his dominance was amazing.

It was Wei Ziqian, a Chinese Taipei beauty, who joined Chen Siming in the winning finals.

Akane’s half-zone opponents are quite strong, and she stumbles slightly in the promotion process. Among them, Wei Ziqian consecutively thrilled the Russian girl Tekaqi 9-8, beat Jin Jiaying 9-7 hard, and then defeated Alison Fisher and Chen Siming 9-5. It can be said that Wei Ziqian’s qualification for the finals is full of gold.

The two winning finals also represent the highest level of women’s American 9-ball. After the initial trial and a few mistakes, the score of the two rose alternately, and Chen Siming won the most difficult victory since the start of the game 9-7. Regrettably, Wei Ziqian, who fell into the losing team, was unable to turn the tide, and lost to Kelly Fisher in the 8-9 tiebreaker, ranking third. Kelly Fisher won the losing championship and Chen Siming joined the final.

The final once again became a one-sided performance. Kelly Fisher, who had just been invited to participate in the Men’s Masters Tournament, was completely unable to parry Chen Siming’s offensive firepower and lost 2-11. Chen Siming and his party from the United States took away a champion “by the way”. This is also Chen Siming’s first New Year’s crown in 2019!

It is worth mentioning that Chen Siming, who went to the United States a week in advance to prepare for the war, also had a “gender war” with local American star Donnie Mills with a prize of 20,000 US dollars. In two long-game matches, Chen Siming beat Mills with a thrilling score of 21:19 and 21:20 respectively, and won a prize of 20,000 US dollars. He raised his eyebrows for Chinese women in the United States, and has always been very popular in the field of American pool. Haughty Americans bow their heads!

Signature: Star Billiards

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