Dingxin Star Club strikes on the first day of the ten-thousand-yuan tournament, all the famous players are promoted and wait for Jin Jiaying

On December 21, 2013, the Chinese billiard star 10,000 yuan individual competition co-sponsored by Beijing Dingxin Billiards Club and Beijing Xingwei Sporting Goods Company was held in Beijing Dingxin Billiards Club as scheduled.

Xu Ran meticulous

Wang Xiaoqian is ready to go

Liu Haitao read countless matches

Dairdan long-distance battle formation

female master is unambiguous

black brother battle clothes cool

The preliminary round of the game adopts a double elimination system to give more billiard fans and top Chinese billiards masters the opportunity to learn; in the arena, we saw the famous player Wang Xiaoqian who played with his apprentice, and the national player Liu Haitao was also on the list. In addition, Deldan , Xi Hongyu, Wang Yang and the deaf-mute Li Jian who participated in the Suzhou Station of the Star Chinese Billiards Ranking Tournament all appeared on the stage; a single-elimination system was adopted in the later quarter-finals, and all players embarked on the last train of the top 16. Regrettably, the love apprentice Saramu of World Tour Zhangjiagang champion Jureti failed to pass the last level, and unfortunately lost to Shi Xiaoming. In the first two rounds of the game, the young snooker played bravely, and defeated the female player Wang Tianyi in the latter case. The solid foundation, the chic posture and the accurate walking position are impressive. .

Tomorrow, the winter solstice, the top 16 matches are: Liu Haitao vs. Shi Xiaoming, Guo Jinwei vs. Xi Hongyu, Zhao Zhiyong vs. Jiang Zheng, Wei Erlong vs. Wang Xiaoqian, Xu Huan vs. Kong Leifeng, Deldan vs. Hu Ping, Wang Yang vs. Zhang Lei, Huang Zhaojian vs. Li Jian. In this special day, not only will the various players fight for the prize of 5,000 yuan, the winner will also get the signature cue of the nine-ball “Little Witch” Jin Jiaying. For the sake of “fidelity”, this time, the star The brand company really invited Jin Jiaying himself, please wait and see tomorrow afternoon.

“Little Witch” will be with you tomorrow

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