The Swiss dark horse looks forward to returning home and pushing snooker. O’Sullivan: Happy to compare Higgins
At the 2017 Snooker England Open, which is in full swing in Barnsley, the only Swiss professional player Usenbach shines. After completing a one-shot break and a 4-1 victory over three tournament champion Sean Murphy, the 21-year-old young player broke into the top 8 of the rankings for the first time.
携手抗疫共克时艰 多方协助旅英球员陆续归国
中国台球协会官网讯 随着新冠肺炎全球蔓延,考虑到各方的安全、健康等因素,世界各大体育赛事也陆续停摆。在世台联宣布近期赛事延期后,在英国征战职业赛场的中国选手陆续购买机票启程回国。 受到疫情和各国家地区政策影响,各大航空公司调整航班,滞留在英国的中国斯诺克选手回国出现“一票难求”的情况。危难时刻,中国…